DLBC Virtuous Women Ministry USA
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Offer help, bring some hope
To the fainting and discouraged on life's road:
See a need, lend a hand.
There are many who are crushed beneath their load
Be a light , show the way,
Be a light within the night. for those astray:
Speak a word, loving word.
That will bring them back to walk the narrow way.

James :3 v.15/16 - If a brother OR sister be naked, and destitute of daily food, and One of you say unto them, depart in peace, be ye warmed and filled, notwithstanding ye Give them not those things which are needful to the body: what doth it profit?

Our Mission is to reach out to the "Forgotten Ones" - the elderly women and men in the Nursing Homes as well as those with terminal illness, abandoned in Nursing Homes by family and friends, and left to die alone.

This Population need a Support system , constant visitations by Volunteers who will normally take them for a walk, offer Spiritual and emotional support and help build back their self esteem and empowerment. Have and maintain Spiritual fellowship with them.

Another population to reach out to are the Widows and the widowers and their children . Provide counseling support and visitations. Have fellowship with them and provide community referrals to social services when needed .

There are the Drug Addicts and the mentally unstable who are resistant to treatments. We see them constantly walk into our midst in church fellowship. Counseling and offering them referrals to treatment and advocating for them does give them hope .

Our goal is to Rekindle love and unity in every Community and in all our churches.

Within the community and churches, there are mothers with child care needs. No one is beyond our care and support.

Our ultimate and end goal is to point all to Salvation through Jesus and uphold the path of righteousness, holiness and intergrity to the Glory of God

Reaching out to these populations means supporting them with their various needs, which entails financial challenges. Your financial support and all relevant resources to fulfill these goals will be highly appreciated. Thank you.