DLBC Virtuous Women Ministry USA
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Amazing things happen when Virtuous Women Pray !
Have we Trials and Temptations?
Is there trouble anywhere?
O what Peace we often forfeit
O what needless pain we bear
All because we do not carry everything to God in prayer.

Please join the DLBC Virtuous women Ministry as we Graciously unleash the Power of Prayer through the Great name of Jesus , in unity, and in one accord every Sunday Night eastern time;

TIME : 9pm to 10pm

Prayer line number is : 1-605-472-5277

Access code is 431056 plus pound key.

Mark 11 verse 24 - Therefore I say unto you , what things so ever ye desire , When ye pray , believe That ye receive them and ye shall have them.

Dare to be an Esther of TODAY ! as you join us in praying for the Outpouring power and Spirit of God on this upcoming great Program.